How is an Interior Designer different than an Interior Decorator?
An interior decorator focuses mainly on cosmetic finishes, furniture, and decor. Here at Sonia Barney Design, we not only do what a decorator can do, but we do so much more. We understand plumbing, HVAC, electrical systems and building codes. We consider spatial requirements and possibilities beyond your current four walls—even providing CAD drawings when called for in the project scope. As interior designers we organize and plan how furniture, lighting, finishes and the entire space work together to create the whole picture. You can think of us as interior architects who are ready to create a cohesive space that is both functional and beautiful. |
Does My Space Need an Interior Designer?
Yes, if you want a lasting, thoughtful solution to your problem. An Interior Designer caters to a different area of the construction world that is often missed during the building process. (We aren’t knocking contractors, we couldn’t do this without them, they’re essential. Their strength is coordinating subs and making sure everything goes off without a hitch. They don’t have the time for the nitty gritty with each of their clients). We don’t just consider HOW a space is built, but also WHY it’s built. What is the end use of the space? Where will you store particular items? How many people need to sit comfortably here? The spatial layout, the location of equipment and electrical outlets and even the finishes and color tones are addressed by an Interior Designer early in the process. This saves you stress and expensive changes down the road. Our philosophy is that if you’re going to invest in a new space, make sure it’s a space that you will still be happy with 10 years down the road. |
What if I’m Nervous About Building or Remodeling?
We’re all about empowering you as the client while relieving stress. We want you to join us as we make thoughtful decisions for your space. You will receive a Design Book with details, drawings and specifications for your project. These documents will allow you to confidently follow your project and stay organized. How Does SBD Approach a Design Project?
SBD embodies an efficient hands-on approach to create a space that reflects you! We view ourselves as guides, not dictators. After getting to know you and your needs, we will create a visual concept board. A concept board really tells the story of your space. While we’re refining the concept, we work on a layout using CAD and 3D sketches. Next, we move into furniture, accessories and finish selections. Check out the SBD Process graphic on our Home Page to get a better idea of a typical design schedule. |
What is Expected of Me, as the Client, to Start the Design Process?
It’s so simple, promise! Be open, honest and ready to answer lots of questions. The more willing you are to share, the better we can design to your needs. We will ask you about your needs vs. wants, design style preferences, likes and dislikes and your daily routine. Don’t worry, your personal life will remain confidential. Know beforehand, or ask for us help, in developing a budget and typical investment level for your project. |
How Long will the Design Process Take?
That all depends on how big the project is. We wish we could wave a magic wand and have a perfect design complete, but it takes thought and consideration to create a design. Furniture selections take time and research and finish samples need to be hunted down. We promise, as designers who have spent years working on projects, that we have lots of solutions at our fingertips and we’ll do our best to be timely and communicate. Which Design Package is Best for Me?
We offer 2 levels of design packages - Comprehensive and Reference. The package best for you will depend on what services you need and the size of your project. Check out our Services Page for more information. If you have a custom project or an unusual request we’d love to hear about it. Schedule a free 15 minute phone call with us and we can discuss particulars. |
Is SBD a general contractor?
No, SBD is not a licensed contractor. We can help you find the right general contractor to lead the building or remodeling process. You will contract separately with them and we will act as a third member of the team delivering the project drawings, specifications and explaining design intent. Can I bring my own contractor?
Of course, you can! We are happy to work with anyone qualified, licensed, and insured. In fact, if you have a great relationship with someone already, it will only make the process easier to move forward and complete. |
Can I Share the Designs with My Family or Online?
Once we are under contract and you have paid for the design, you can show the concepts to anyone you want. If you have friends or know someone who would like to use the designs we would highly recommend you refer them to us. The design we create for you is unique to you, be choosy about who you share the concept boards with to keep your design special. Can I Bring Friends or Family Members to our Design Meetings?
Spouse or partner and anyone else living or workin gin the space? Yes, of course! But everyone else? We highly discourage it. Why muddy the decision making process with other opinions? You hired us to guide you to make the best decisions for YOU. When you take in well-intentioned outside advice it can add confusion and can derail our design goals. Trust us and our process and leave your friends at home. |